You’ve had an accident involving another vehicle

Ok  so you’ve had an accident and there is another vehicle involved. In insurance terms the owner of the other vehicle is known as the Third Party. Depending on how the accident occurred, either yourself or the Third Party will be seen to have caused the accident or in some cases you could both be at fault.

There are two main types of Insurance cover and you’ll be covered by one of these policies:

  • Fully Comprehensive – this means that in the event of an accident you are covered for damage to your own vehicle, Third Party Cover (damage you may cause to a Third Party vehicle), fire & theft.
  • Third Party, Fire & theft – This means you are covered for damage you cause to a Third Party vehicle, fire & theft. This does not cover repairs to your own vehicle if you have an accident. Third Party cover is the minimum legal requirement of cover to able to drive in the UK.

If you are at fault and you have Comprehensive cover

Your insurance company will pay for the damages to your vehicle and they will also pay for the damages to the Third Party vehicle. You will pay your policy excess – the excess is the amount that you agree to pay towards the cost of your repairs in the event of an accident.

If you are at fault and you have Third Party cover

Your Insurance company will pay for the damages to the other vehicle only.